You are currently viewing Live on GBC (Gospel Broadcasting Company) Radio Show 미주복음방송 라디오 생방송

Live on GBC (Gospel Broadcasting Company) Radio Show 미주복음방송 라디오 생방송

I received the esteemed honor of being invited as a guest on a live broadcast by the Gospel Broadcasting Company (GBC), a prominent radio station with a substantial reach in the Greater Los Angeles area. The central focus of this engagement was to narrate a comprehensive account of my personal and professional odyssey, encompassing various facets of my life, scholarly pursuits, ministerial endeavors, literary contributions, and my dedicated involvement with Ecological Civilization, among other aspects.

During this enlightening session, I endeavored to articulate a concise narrative of my journey, offering insights into the diverse experiences that have shaped my academic, spiritual, and vocational trajectories. The discussion delved into the intricacies of my studies, the evolution of my ministerial vocation, and the milestones achieved in my publication record, highlighting my commitment to fostering an ecological consciousness within my sphere of influence.

The interview was conducted primarily in Korean, catering to the native linguistic audience of the Greater Los Angeles area. However, recognizing the importance of accessibility and inclusivity in disseminating knowledge, the broadcast was also made available to a broader international audience. Through the utilization of YouTube’s automated translation functionality, interested individuals can view the interview with English subtitles, thereby extending the reach and impact of the discourse beyond linguistic barriers.

To facilitate ease of access to this engaging and informative session, a visual prompt has been provided below. By clicking on the indicated image, viewers will be directed to the recorded interview, where they may avail themselves of the translated subtitles and partake in the insights shared during this live radio show on GBC. This feature ensures that the profound discussions and personal reflections I shared are accessible to a diverse and global audience, furthering the dialogue on the critical themes of ecological stewardship, scholarly inquiry, and spiritual growth.

미주복음방송의 이제나 아나운서께서 진행하는 GBC 아침마당의 게스트로 초대되어 보이는 라디오 생방송을 11월 16일에 진행했습니다. 짧은 시간동안 간략하게나마 제 삶의 스토리와 신학공부, 목회여정, 출판된 책, 생태문명에 대해서 이야기 했습니다. 시간이 부족해서 자세하게 이야기 하지 못한 것들이 있어서 아쉬웠습니다. 특히 기후위기와 관련된 부분과 이와 관련하여 기독교가 어떻게 응답해 나가야하는지에 대해서 더욱 많은 분들께 말씀을 드릴 기회가 추후에 있기를 바랍니다. 아래 그림을 클릭하시면 유튜브 방송을 시청하실 수 있습니다.