Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

In "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley, a traveler describes a vast, ruined statue in the desert, bearing a proud inscription by the long-forgotten king Ozymandias. The poem reflects on the fleeting nature of power and the inevitable decline of even the grandest human achievements.


Live on GBC (Gospel Broadcasting Company) Radio Show 미주복음방송 라디오 생방송

I was honored to be a guest on Gospel Broadcasting Company, sharing my personal and professional journey, academic pursuits, ministerial work, and ecological advocacy. The interview, primarily in Korean, is accessible globally with English subtitles on YouTube. I hope to delve deeper into climate crisis and Christianity’s response in the future. Watch here: https://youtu.be/6FfY3ZpeE-w


Korean Presbyterian Church of Fresno Church Officer Workshop 후레즈노 한인장로교회 임직자 스쿨 웨비나

Rev. Jechul Kang who is a senior pastor at Korean Presbyterian Church of Fresno invited me as a keynote speaker for the Church Officer Workshop. I met him at the annual conference of 3040 (years old) young Korean American pastor group at PCUSA. We recognized that his vision for the future ministry of the church is similar to the concept of Meta-church in my presentation. After a long conversation he decided to invite me to the church officer workshop. Even though my schedule in October is very tight, I had to accept his offer because I felt his passion for the church as all the 3040 young Korean American pastors have. I hope and pray for this workshop to be helpful for the church to discern the direction in post-pandemic era.


National Network of Korean American United Methodist Women-Korean Church in the Metaverse Era 연합감리교회 한인여선교회전국연합회-메타버스 시대의 한인교회

The National Network of Korean American United Methodist Women is hosting the 10th Hakdang Virtual School on October 30th, focusing on the theme "Korean Church in the Metaverse Era." Guest speaker Dr. Dong-woo Lee, a pastor from the Presbyterian Church in USA and director of EcoCiv Korea, will lead the session. The school will draw from Dr. Lee's book, "The Post-Pandemic Meta Church is Coming," to discuss the future and direction of the Korean church amid the climate crisis, digitalization, and transition to the Metaverse. This event aims to equip participants to adapt to technological, cultural, and generational changes, transforming their pastoral work and ministry to meet contemporary challenges. It's a step towards preparing and practicing missions in these changing times, encouraging learning through faith rather than fear and expanding God's Kingdom on Earth.


100th anniversary commemorative conference of Minjung theologian Byeong-mu Ahn 심원 안병무 선생 탄생 100주년 기념 학술대회 “한국민중신학의 새로운 목소리”

On Monday, October 17, 2022, the 100th anniversary commemorative conference of Minjung theologian Byeong-mu Ahn will be held at the Hanshin University Graduate School of Theology. On behalf of Ecological Civilization, in the first part ‘Science Theology and Ecological Theology’, I am going to give a presentation under the title of “Ecological Civilization and Ahn Byung-Mu's Minjung Theology”. This academic conference is specially designed to discover new voices of Korean Minjung theologies in 2022.


The Association of Theological Schools and The Commission on Accrediting

Honorably I was invited as a member of committee of ATS' campus visit. Today is the first day of the visit and I met with wonderful colleagues who dedicated their time, energy, experience and expertise on helping seminaries and universities enhance the quality of Higher Theological Education. I already learned a lot from the initial meeting with colleagues and the leadership of the university.