The Bishop Charles Golden Award

A couple of days ago I got a letter from Claremont School of Theology. It informed me that the faculty of Claremont School of Theology have unanimously selected me to be the recipient of the…


15th International Forum on Ecological Civilization

What does ecological civilization look like in unique local settings around the world, and what lessons can we learn from one another about building sustainable and equitable communities of communities? From ecovillages, to urban coops, and more, this year’s Claremont Eco Forum invites experts, policymakers, and creative practitioners to explore together how the framework of ecological civilization can be, and is being, realized in various local contexts around the globe.  


Dr. Dongwoo Lee and Cobb Institute

Partners in Process, John Cobb and Friends' guest presenter will be Dongwoo Lee, discussing Organic Panentheism: A Northeast Asian Lens on the Christian God. Fresh from his successful Ph.D. dissertation defense at Claremont School of Theology, Dr. Lee will prompt conversation based on his integration of panentheist perspectives.


참살이와 전지구적 번영을 위한 경제

클레어몬트 생태 포럼 (생태문명을 위한 국제포럼) 둘째날에 우리는 참살이와 전지구적 번영을 위한 경제 대하여 이야기 하였습니다. ( 이코시브 코리아의 디렉터인 이동우 목사가 둘째날 세션의 좌장을 맡은 정건화 교수를 소개하며 세션을 시작했습니다. 정건화 교수는 한신대학교 경제학과…